ACER heads to the 2019 GoMOSES Conference
Next week ACER scientists, staff and students will convene in New Orleans to be a part of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Sciences (GoMOSES) conference.
Outreach Coordinators publish recommendations for science outreach programs
The Gulf of Mexico Outreach Initiative (GoMRI) had a tall order to fill in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: investigate, understand, and educate the public on the impacts of the oil, dispersed oil, and dispersants on the Gulf of Mexico and affected coastal states. The GoMRI Outreach Coordinators are now sharing what they learned with others looking to integrate or expand education and outreach efforts as a part of their research programs.
ACER Research Opportunity: Postdoctoral Research Associate
ACER is seeking a post-doctoral researcher versed in handling large data sets to lead a synthesis of the results of ACER’s seven groups of investigators. Deadline for application packages has been extended to January 26, 2018.
New ACER Factsheet Available
ACER is pleased to release the 6th publication of our Factsheet Series focused on our Microplankton subgroup. The Microplankton team is lead by Dr. Jeff Krause and is investigating how small plankton (from 0.02 -0.2 mm in size) are affected by oiling and oiling response (e.g. the use of dispersants).
New publication available from ACER's Nitrogen Cycling group
What good is a salt marsh - and how were they affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill? A recent paper published in Environmental Science & Technology by ACER’s Nitrogen Cycling group has added important data to the more recent perspective of salt marshes as critical coastal ecosystems.
ACER-CONCORDE collaboration results in new publication
A new publication by Dzwonkowski and colleagues from GoMRI funded Consortia CONCORDE and ACER shows that the input of estuarine waters to the Gulf can be important - and not just during high river flow.
ACER Scientist Spotlight
ACER would like to welcome our newest post-doctoral researcher, Dr. Kelly Boyle.
Come Discover ACER at DISL's Discovery Day
The Dauphin Island Sea Lab celebrates 20 years of Discovery Day on Saturday, April 8. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the public is invited to visit the Sea Lab’s research laboratories, meet scientists and researchers, get a hands-on marine science lesson and learn more about ACER.
Dispatches of the Gulf 2 - Sizzle Reel Released
Dispatches of the Gulf shone a light on the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Spring 2016. A year later, Emmy Award-winning filmmakers Marilyn and Hal Wiener are continuing the story with a look at the science born from the disaster.
ACER Reaches Out
After a short break for the holidays, ACER’s Education and Outreach Team took the month of January to plan for the upcoming year and we have some exciting events planned that we wanted to share. One of ACER’s missions is to provide outreach informing and educating the public about the current research of our scientists. Toward that mission, the E & O team will be hosting a variety of programs in a casual setting with the goal of communicating and translating ACER science in a straightforward and fun manner.