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Microplankton field sampling

The Microplankton group is examining how trophic transfer rates in microplankton change following oiling through measurements on taxonomic, genetic and functional biodiversity. Previous studies on phytoplankton growth and productivity from oiling have shown negative effects leading to hypoxic events but no effect of crude oil on phytoplankton. Prior studies have shown that the negative effects (reduced abundance, reduced function) on the phytoplankton community occurred for approximately 1 month following the DwH oil spill. The ACER microplankton group hypothesized that an increase in biodiversity within the plankton community would allow for increased resiliency and that the oil disturbance would change the efficiency of trophic transfer seasonally. Inshore and offshore field collections are being used to characterize the phytoplankton community around the Chandeleur Islands. Mesocosm and laboratory experiments are testing the effects of oil, oil plus dispersant and dispersant alone on the diversity and biomass of specific microplankton groups.

Presentations and Publications

  • Seasonal Variability in Phytoplankton Responses to Water Accommodated Petroleum Hydrocarbons in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Authors: Cole, L.K.; Krause, J.W.; Thamatrakoln, K.
    Poster presentations at: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference (Feb 1-4, 2016); Ocean Sciences Meeting (Feb 21-27, 2016)

  • Spatial and temporal variability in primary production within the Mississippi Bight Ecosystem Authors: Krause, J.W., Cole, L.K., Mojzis, A.K., Boyette, A.D.
    Oral presentation at: Oral presentation at: MS/AL Bays and Bayous Symposium (Nov 30-Dec 1, 2016)