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Introducing the ACER Fact sheet series

Friday, December 2nd, 2016

This week we are sharing the release of our ACER fact sheet series. These fact sheets focus on what is ACER and emerging research from the seven ACER research groups.

The series will include a total of 15 fact sheets over the course of two years (2016-2017) with each individual research group receiving two fact sheets covering their research and any publications.

In our first fact sheet we introduce ACER and share the importance of diversity and resilience to our research. Each subsequent fact sheet released on the individual research groups will include a research group spotlight that includes an overview of their field and laboratory or mesocosm experiments, preliminary results, key words and of course pictures!

These are an excellent classroom resource for science teachers on current research in the northern Gulf Coast and for those with a general interest in oil spill research.

Currently ACER has released three fact sheets: Introducing ACER, Consumer Group and Wetlands Group. Stay tuned for more to come next month!

Fact sheets are available in print or online at