The ACER fact sheet series focuses on the emerging research from our seven research groups. This series will include a total of 15 fact sheets over the course of two years (2016-2017) with each individual research group receiving two fact sheets covering their research and publications.
These are an excellent classroom resource for science teachers on current research in the northern Gulf Coast and for those with a general interest in oil spill research.
A brief introduction to who ACER is and what we do. Click on the image or here to open the publication
The Consumer research group is focused on the top predators of the northern Gulf of Mexico ecosystem. Click on the image or here to open the publication
The Wetland research group is focused on the flora of our coastal wetlands and the fauna that use this habitat. Click on the image or here to open the publication
The Oyster research group is focused on the intertidal and subtidal oyster reefs along the northern Gulf Coast and how they are affected by oiling and the response to oiling (i.e. the use of dispersants). Click on the image or here to open the publication
The Nitrogen Cycling research group is focused on the processes that convert nitrogen from one form to another in coastal habitats and how oiling affects these processes. Click on the image or here to open the publication
The Microplankton research group is focused on how plankton, specifically plankton between 0.02 - 0.2 mm in size, are affected by oiling and the response to oiling (i.e. the use of dispersants). Click on the image or here to open the publication