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ACER at GoMOSES Conference

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

Last week ACER scientists and staff convened in Tampa to be a part of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Sciences (GoMOSES) conference.


The 2016 conference theme, “One Gulf: healthy ecosystems, healthy communities,” focused on opportunities to promote and sustain a healthy Gulf environment, communities, and economy, including new discoveries, innovations, technologies, and policies. ACER researchers presented five posters, listed below, showcasing data collected during our first year of research.

“Analysis of Long-term Datasets indicates Heterogeneous Impacts Resulting from the DwH Accident on Nekton in the north central Gulf of Mexico.” J. F. Valentine, C. W. Martin, M. Drymon, T. Spearman, S. P. Powers

“Impacts of Deepwater Horizon oil pollution on wetlands resiliency.” A.R. Hughes, K.L. Heck, J. Cebrian, B. Mortazavi, P. Sobecky, N. Flournoy, W. Scheffel, J. Goff

“Denitrification rates in Deepwater Horizon impacted saltmarshes.” S. Hinshaw, A. Kleinhuizen, S. Rajan, N. Flournoy, P. Crawford, P. Sobecky, B. Mortazavi

“Annual Variation in Phytoplankton Abundance due to Water Accommodated Petroleum Hydrocarbon Exposure in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.” L.K. Cole, J.W. Krause, K. Thamatrakoln

“Oxygen fluxes in Gulf of Mexico sediments.” E. Keller, T. Caffray, S. Berke, K. Dorgan, S. Bell, A. Robertson, K. Baltzer, C. Clemo

Consumer poster
Poster presented by ACER’s Higher-order Consumers sub-group. Photo credit: Charlie Martin